I waited until now to talk about my finals because the final grades were just posted.
This semester I took, Developmental Psychology I, Developmental Psychology II, Law and the Legal System, Behavioral Statistics, and 2 Dimensional Art.
So for my finals in Psychology it was a simple test just like our midterms, 50 questions and a couple bonus.
Stats was a take home work with a partner test. Then we had to write a Haiku about stats, draw a picture about stats, and tell him what we liked and disliked about his class. Then in class we had to have a small in class test because that is Techs new rule. So he told us he was going to walk out of the room and he wasn't telling us to cheat but whatever happens happens.
For my Law final (the most stressful) we could make a case cheat sheet, it could only be front and back and could include any case we went over this semester. My font was 10 with .3 margins to fit all of them. The test was 50 multiple choice questions, with 10 essay questions. Never in my life have I almost ran out of time but I only had 3 minutes left when I turned my final in. I love the criminal justice field but that class almost killed me.
Finally my last final was my art final. We had a final project which was a self portrait, then we had to talk about it in class. My art final: I'm the tree and all the words and pictures in the roots are what makes me, me.

After we were done, there was one girl left and she was really afraid to talk about it. We told her that no one would make fun of her, there is only 10 of us in the class anyways. So she got her project and set it up in the front of the class, then we all realized why she didn't want to talk about her project. It was charcoal of her committing suicide. She explained to us that she wanted to kill herself because her family hates her because she is lesbian. We all cried it was so heartbreaking to hear a happy, upbeat, always smiling girl say she doesn't want to live anymore. After class I talked to her I let her know that she is important and some day her parents will realize that she is amazing and that they don't hate her. I told her I never want her to think about suicide again because she is awesome she's always happy and I instantly wanted to be her friend at the beginning of the semester, and how awful would it be if I never got to meet her because she decided that no one cared about her. We cried some more.
I hate how people can't be accepting of others because they love differently. No one should feel like they are a disappointment or that their family no longer loves them because they love differently.
On happier terms my final grades have been posted and.....