Saturday, September 7, 2013

18th Birthday!!

Wednesday I turned 18!!! So the weekend before dad kidnapped me to take me floating down some rapids at spring river. It was a ton of fun!! This is our group!
Rita CJ Dana Angle Michael Canyon Dad Me Kristin Mrs. B And Mikey. 
In this one it's the same people we just added in Frank and Tuscan.
Canyon looked too cute in his hat:) 
Canyon even scored some beads for twerking!! Hahaha
I got a pretty nice bruise when I ran after a run away cooler after dead mans curb. They call it dead mans curb for a reason haha! 
I also got a pretty tan line on my foot from my shoes haha.
When we were on the way back to little rock we stopped off to see where the river began and it said that 9 million gallons of water comes out of the ground every hour! 

Something I got from my bestie for my birthday!! PEPPER SPRAY!!!

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